Monday, June 21, 2010


Many people tell me IT and technology aren't everything. But today I have to prove you wrong. On my table now, I have a netbook on my left handside, reading and maybe waiting for incoming work mail on a Sunday night.

And I am facing my main laptop, watching some HD movie copied from my uncle's house. On my right handside, is my handphone, charging and at the same time, waiting for sms as I am gossiping with my friends about some hot update related to one of my friend. On top left handside there is a DSLR camera with pictures that I have just taken yesterday Father's day feast and Friday crazy + high birthday celebration night for LES and NCY. It's linked now to my main laptop and I am uploading those pics into my pc.

Now tell me, who says technology aren't everything ?

1 comment:

  1. Just like Toyota, moving forward! They need more tests and trials before they release it for the people. Even they got high technologies but people got to risk their lives taking test on the road and lost their lives. Luckily Michael Jackson did not posses a Toyota. hahaha..
