Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Past Two Years, Next Few Years

Its has been 2 years. TWO great years filled with laughter, madness, confusion, unbeatable and great excitement. I have learned a lot during this period of time in a field where I think I love most. I understand how manufacturing work, how supply chain do their planning and distribution, how we budget, how to drive the business forward and how to manage others.

Two great years of working experience. From a humble, big & low profile trading & manufacturing firm, I jump into a MNC associated organization that is manufacturing and distributing brands for the second largest food-line consumer product company in the world. I learned about consumer insights, modern trade and other trades, marketing strategy and I am still learning way too many things these days. Its really exciting and challenging.

However, at this point of the time, I slow down a little bit and start thinking what's next. After I graduate from UTAR, I earned myself an offer from HKU to pursue my master. But I did not take that offer because I know what I really want is not spending the rest of my life in lab or in a lab coat. I want to climb the corporate ladder and make important business decisions that can help organizations that I am associated with to move forward and do even better. I know I need a business qualification - MBA, ACCA or ICAEW. But ACCA and ICAEW is a little bit too professional and thats not what I really want. Hence, I have set sights on MBA since my graduation date.

To qualify for MBA, especially in good universities - please ignore most local uni, require 2 or more years of working experience. Since the very first day I start my permanent position in Promac, I have been waiting for this date to arrive - where I can finally start applying do my MBA in these universities.

Now, the time has arrived. I am sad because that basically means I am getting older :P. But the time is here and I should start searching for it already. Thou I love my current job and it has a bright career prospect, however, I wont forget to pursue my dream. If possible, I want to earn a spot in an oversea university to read my MBA so that I can get to explore a litle bit as well. I do have a little bit regret from time to time for not taking up Queensland and HKU offer back then. Lost the chance to explore other countries as a student. Now with so many committement only want to talk about exploring and studying again. I find myself rather funny in this case.

But old at age but young in heart & brain. I suppose if I really want to go for it, I can reapply and earn another good offer. But well, that will take some time of course. I really want to go experience other's culture, history and others. Maybe I get a little bit tired of working in the consumer line, but because I am in that line now, I understand consumer very well and I know what I want very well also.

I really have no idea whats going to happen agian in next 2-3 years. My target is to get all these done by 27, but knowing some good university require more years of working experience, I might jz take the risk and wait a bit more. And I hope, I will remember to reevaluate my position again in the next 2 years to see whether decision made by me that time is a good one or a great one.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Frustration !!

Lots of frustration lately. Things are not moving as fast as my plan, things doesn't turn out as my expectation, people are not efficient enough and the lack of time.

I think I am really turning into a hardcore workaholic. It's like I work 10-15 hours daily with few hours for food and friends and the remaining for my brain to rest a while. Sometimes, I really ponder would I be able to last if I continue to go on with so much stress as I have plenty of datelines to catch and plenty of work to submit.

It's at such a time that I have negative thoughts on smoking to release stress, driving fast to calm myself or scolding four letter words to make myself feel better.

This is just the beginning stage and I understand that very well. As I continue to pursue my dream career, my ambition and things I want in life, I guess I would have to live with all these. I do take stress positively, as a drive to push myself perform better and I hope I will ! Shouldnt say hope, I know I would.

Will try to stay positive and take all these as a challenge ! Hahaha. After writing it out here, I feel so much better !

p/s: Found out things that I shouldnt find out and it causes me to think a little bit too much. Life is just mad ! Must recover from this stupid madness !

Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Stage In Life

***Hardly have time to post. Poor blog that doesn't receive any updates after a few months***

There I am again, in a new stage of my life. Just joined a FMCG giant recently and its a totally whole new environment for me again. Hardly have time to get myself a break from the very first moment I step into the office daily. There are so many work need to be done, so many datelines to meet, so many things to follow up and plenty of plannings and strategizing. Being a key account holder doesn't help as I have to deal with clients daily, strengthening the business relationship, growing the business and looking for new opportunities.

Life is never the same again when i start working in central KL now. Have to climb out of my bed daily at 6.30 am, stuck in the jam for averagely 1 hour 30 minutes daily and rushing for appointments at places that I don't even drop by for the last 2-3 yeas.

But most important of all -> i like the way it is now. Feel my life is very occupied with work, friends and family. The current job gives me a greater sense of satisfaction due to things could be accomplished and would not get back into square one that easily as people are being more accountable for and everything is measurable. I am learning a lot new skills in life and had a great boss that is willing to teach and share.

Love life errrr, kinda messy. LOL. No point discussing it here, will leave it to fate to decide how things will turn out. Hahaha.

Friends - Getting exciting. Good friends are doing well in their respective area. Planning for holiday together next year. Gonna be fun if all my good friends can go together. We never really had a group of good friends going for holiday since form 5 or college days. But, since we are all financially OK now (ok only cause not stable yet ! ), hence there are some plan for some big spending vacation next year !

Entering this October, I would have 2 years working experience. I promised myself back then when I first started working in October '09 that there should be a review of my performance and how far I have climb on a corporate ladder. Will also think of how to lead my life from there, to stay in the same industry or to change to another interesting industry that I would like to try before finally settle down - lets say 3-4 years down the road. Will also look into options of either pursuing my MBA locally or some other universities abroad.

Alright. I need to move to my next appointment liao - yam cha with good friend. Take care and have a good 2nd half of 2011 !

Saturday, March 19, 2011


When we are younger back then, during the early stage of primary school, we are kids that know no-boundaries. We were very creative and innovative with lots of ideas and opinions. Everything is possible back then. We don't hold ourself from expressing what we need/want to express. We don't put up a fake face and pretend everything is alright. Because we believe in our ideas, our opinions and our action - and we make it happen.

But human are strange creature. As we grow, we tend to put more logic, rational, and wary of risk into our thoughts. Sometimes we over emphasize on these 3 factors which would result in a single common issue - doubt. It's not that we are no longer innovative, decisive, creative when we are adult, but we have more doubts on everything we do. We no longer believe in our ideas, opinions and actions.

Often we have a lot of doubt during the process of making a decision. That is because we no longer believe everything we do is right. We incorporate a lot of consideration on pros and cons, effects, suitability and etc into a decision which more than often, complicate matters. We no longer believe in ourselves.

I was taught to believe in things I do ever since I am a small kid. Everything that I put my effort into, I believe it would be a great creation from me. Some people might not agree with me on confidence regarding any particular thing but I still believe in my ideas and view. Because if you don't trust yourself, will others build their trust on you?

Ask yourself.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Double Blow


Suffered double blow in the space of a few days. Can't reveal too much juicy details here....

I will learn from this, I will....


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Long Time No See !

I can't believe my last post was in October 2010. I thought I remembered myself posting at least one post per month but its something remembered wrongly my weakening subconscious mind.

Well well, we are into 2011 already - the year of Rabbit according to the Chinese Horoscope. I had a great start to the bunny year with a superb good job offer Management Associate Programme) - that I rejected in the end, because the industry is not something that I think I can work in for a long period of time. I want a career not a job ! But I guess its still a blessing in disguise, that I get one hell of an amount of bonus from my current company and feel appreciated by the top management which makes me feel good about what I have done over the past 1 year.

Anyway, to hell with work. Let's talk about how I have enjoyed myself for the past 15 days of the lunar calendar during CNY period that was filled with gambling sessions, drinking sessions, dirty jokes sessions, and talk cock sing song session.

As usual, every year I expect to see one idiot who will fly back all the way from Adelaide just to lose money to us. Our friends call him the "choi san yeh" because luck is never on his side and he is known to be addicted to poker cards and always volunteer himself as a 'chongker' for the Black Jack game. This year, he flew in a little bit late, almost 15 days before CNY but that's enough for him to get warm up with his fans that are eager to see him distributing money to him.

However, this year things were a little different. Not that he is not the choi san yeh, but he is taking all our money away from us. Night after night, he is the overall champion, taking away our hard earned money and breaking the heart of his fans. Now, everyone anti him and want him down. I believe if he don't lose to us a great sum of amount, he will not be forgiven anytime soon.

Next after gambling session would definitely be our inaugural good friends reunion dinner. This is the first year we booked two table for lou sang among good friends. It was fun and everyone get to mingle with each other after havent see each other for days, months or years. We have lots of red wine that night - I think I lost count of the number of bottles that we have opened - maybe around 10 bottles. And the funny part is, I ask Krishnath to tag along.

Being an Indian, Krishnath start mixing with us since schooling days. Definitely, in such a good gathering session, he cannot be missed. He came that day and bravely stepped into a 99.99% chinese dominated restaurant together with me (although I can see him a little bit uneasy with the setup). We had good funny chats about almost everything that night. These are the things that reminded us of those happy times in secondary school.

That night we drink and we had lots of fun! We gossip, we laugh, we joke and we try to get each other drunk with our 12 bottles of wine and liquor. Well, unfortunately, Jonas cant take too much wine or alcohol. Hahahaha. He just cant take it (or else he would drunk after a shot jz like in Zouk). The dinner, those laughter lasted almost 3 hours plus. By the time we realize we are too full to cramp out our stomach with summore food its already 10.30 pm.

They doesnt want to end the party that early and instead of going home, we went over to Mei Fen home for a gambling session.

It was really one hell of a day. I love Chinese New Year when friends gather and have fun. Really miss those moments when I am thinking of my current situation.

Well, well. Life moves on and I am eagerly waiting for the next CNY for 2012. Till then, I would always remember those good moments we have shared during that few weeks.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Silent Frustration

Frustration. Everyone must have gone through certain kind of frustration. But do you express your frustration?

I had one hell of a day. I seem alright to everyone today but deep inside me, I have some untold stories. I don't know why but everytime if that category of issue pop out and it drags me into it, automatically I become very frustrated. So frustrated that I feel like picking up a fight with the person and my usual rationality and logics doesnt seem to apply during that time.

It's not good. Definitely, not good for me and for others. I do feel bad about using harsh judgement on that person but I cant help it but to do that to make myself feel better. I am very frustrated each time issues like this bother me but yet I am still very much involved in it.

Arghh. I cant express it by beating the wall because that hurt my hand. I cant express it by telling others because its a sensitive issue and its related to people close to me. I cant tell anyone because I dont want everyone to come up to me and start asking why did it happen. Maybe that's why I feel like expressing it here.

I hope I can sleep well later and forget about it. Thou I know I wont easily forget things like this at least for another next few days. Tomorrow I will have a badminton session and it's a good timing for me to relieve out my frustration. Sorry, if I have to throw some hard smash tomorrow.